Access Keys:

Broughshane Primary School & Nursery Unit


Sensory room
Sensory room
Sensory room
Sensory room
Reading tent
Reading tent
Sensory lights
Sensory lights
Fine motor skills
Fine motor skills
Gross motor skills
Gross motor skills
Noise reducing
Noise reducing
Literacy support
Literacy support
Sensory toys
Sensory toys
Weighted blanket
Weighted blanket

We aim to meet the individual needs of our children, taking account of their personal challenges, experiences, background and learning styles. Our ‘Special Educational Needs’ policy and provision ensures that children can access the curriculum at a level best suited to their stage of development.

Mrs Talbot, as Vice-Principal & Learning Support Coordinator, routinely monitors the progress of each child in conjunction with class teachers. Needs are identified as early as possible, and the appropriate support put in place. Parents will be invited to contribute at each stage.

Children identified for specialist support will have a ‘Personal Learning Plan’ with clear targets that will be monitored carefully. Referrals from school to our Educational Psychologist and the various external support agencies are routine. In association with parents, the priorities for each child will be identified and discussed openly as the relevant support options are implemented.  

We are fortunate to have a sensory room, specifically equipped with sensory equipment that targets all of the students senses including touch, sight and sound. It is a space to enhance sensory stimulation, relaxation and motor skills of our students. Our sensory space is a great way to encourage our students to explore their senses and develop coping strategies in a place where they feel comfortable and safe.  


Reading Together

As part of our development in teaching Reading, Broughshane Primary School has become involved in The Reading Together Programme. This targets children who have been identified as those who require a boost with their reading and associated activities, or need to gain more enthusiasm for books. The programme involves individual children from Key Stage One (Years 3 and 4) having three short sessions per week with a highly trained Classroom Assistant. These lessons will be in addition to the reading activities within the classroom. The Reading Together Programme offers those pupils a wonderful opportunity to gain confidence and fluency with a variety of texts over the course of 10 weeks.